Nadine In a Nutshell
Hi! I’m Nadine Smith, a motherhood and lifestyle content creator from Manila, Philippines. I’m a 38-year old lady who’s not really 38. I’m only 9 years old as of this writing (I was born on a leap year, February 29, which only comes once every 4 years). A friend once said that my extraordinary birthday is a metaphor for my fun, crazy, unique, and quirky personality. I’d like to believe that that’s true!

Basically, I look like a woman, I sometimes act like a man, I play like a child, I work like a horse, and I laugh like a hyena. There. I hope that was informative enough.
My Family
I am a happy wife to my amazing husband, Mike, who also happens to be my best friend, soul mate, play mate, travel buddy, and baby daddy. He’s not only a great partner but he’s also a talented illustrator. We’ve been dating since 2013 and have been married since 2015. Mike is part-Filipino and part-Spanish but is an Australian citizen who has lived in Sydney for most of his life before moving to Manila. (This is why some of our friends call him ‘Hunky Koala.’) He doesn’t speak or understand Tagalog, except for some basic words and phrases like “oo,” “hindi,” “ayoko,” “ano ba yan!” and “charot.”

I am also blessed to be the mommy of my two little princesses. I have an adorable, smart, funny, sweet, and sometimes bratty and naughty toddler, Andromeda Eve (“Andi” for short). She’s our Little Star! I could go on and on about her, but if you want to know more about her, you may check out the hashtag #AndromedaEveSmith or her IG account, @andromedaevesmith.

We are currently expecting our second daughter this October 2022! Can’t wait to meet her real soon!
What Do I Do?
Before being a full-time mom, these are just some of the jobs that I’ve held. (I’ve had many jobs but these are my favorite roles!) I don’t really dabble on them so much anymore as I’ve chosen to focus on my babies, but occasionally, I still do some of them.
- Professional event host — I have hosted hundreds of events such as weddings, kiddie parties, debuts, corporate events, and more. (Know more when you search for the hashtag #HostingByNadine)
- Voice over artist — My voice has been used for TVCs, digital ads, radio commercials, and what have you. Here are some of my VO works!
- Singer — Yep! I used to be a lounge singer for hotels, a pop and acoustic singer in bars, and an entertainer at the Venetian Macau (would you believe I was a gondolier?!).
- Writer — I have written articles for Smile (Cebu Pacific Air’s in-flight magazine),, the Philippine Daily Inquirer, and more. Writing is my first love and I’d like to think I’m a decent writer.
- Content creator — This is the job that I am most actively engaged in currently. I am a blogger, vlogger, and social media content creator. (Some people call it ‘influencer’ but I find that title a bit pompous!) You probably know that by now if you’re here in this site.
Want to talk? Got a question for me? I would be happy to hear from you! You may e-mail me at I try to respond to all e-mails as much as possible (unless you’re really creepy).
For inquiries about my wedding & events hosting (and/or singing), you may also get in touch with me through my event hosting page. I’d love to make your event more fun!
If you would like to borrow some of the photos or text in this blog, all you have to do is ask nicely and don’t forget to link back to me. 😉 Remember: stealing isn’t sexy.
More FAQs for the extra curious:
How long have you been blogging?
I started a Livejournal blog way back in 2004 or 2005, back when blogging was not yet “a thing” and it was really more of an online journal. Then, this happened:
It sucked but it was pretty allegorical, if you think about it. In 2013, I revived my blog using Blogspot/Blogger this time, but never found the time or energy to constantly update it. Fast forward to two years later. I decided — just a few weeks before my 31st birthday — that I would be a blogger. For real, this time. I bought my own domain name and all, just so I’d really be forced to commit to it. On February 9, 2015, Scenes From Nadine was born!
What camera do you use?
For this blog, I have used the following: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II, Samsung Galaxy A8, iPhone5, Huawei GR5 2017, Canon 600D DSLR, Fuji XA-3, and Google Pixel 5A
Who takes the photos on your blog?
Me! 🙂 I also have my own personal photographer who takes amazing photos, which is the real reason why I married him. Just kidding. 😉 These days, though, since Mike is busy with work, I rely on my trusty tripod and camera’s self-timer. For photos not taken by us, I make sure to credit the owner.
Will you write about my product, business, service, or project?
Please e-mail me about it and if I like it (and if I like YOU), I’ll be happy to consider it! Please note that I only write about products and services that I have personally tried or that I actually like and believe it. Keeping it real around here!
Do you publish all comments or do you delete some?
There’s already waaay too much negativity on social media and I don’t want to add to that. This blog is my “happy place” and I also want it to be a positive space for the readers of the blog. Constructive criticisms, as well as objective and honest opinions are welcome, but if your comments are disrespectful and hurtful, they go straight to the TRASH folder.
Can I use your photos (and/or text) on my site?
I’ll be thrilled if you do! BUT please know that I worked really hard to provide quality content on this site. That means that I had to do crazy (and sometimes embarrassing) things like sprawling on dirty floors in public or risking my life and climbing up steep stairs just to get the perfect shot. If you want to use my photos or text, go ahead but please link back to or directly to the blog post where you found the photos. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to e-mail me.
Are you on social media?
Yes! Let’s connect on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube (Please subscribe!) 🙂 I deleted my Tiktok account. I think I might be too old for that sh*t.
Hi! My tita asked me to help her look for a host for their coming birthday party/hs get together this coming Dec. 15. May I know you PF?