Ever heard of that Marilyn Monroe quote that goes: “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world?” I think this applies to babies too. Give a baby the right shoes, and he or she can conquer the world!
I used to think that shoes are more aesthetic than necessary, which is why I didn’t buy Andi too many shoes, unless she really needed them for special occasions. My thinking was that babies grow up so fast, and they’re sure to outgrow their shoes in no time. Sure, I would gush whenever I would see adorable baby footwear in stores but I resisted the urge to get every cute pair because I thought she didn’t really need that many shoes. (Truth: She now owns more pairs than me. She currently has over a dozen pairs and out of that number, only 3 of them are from me. The rest are all gifts from family and friends!)
Recently, however, I’ve started to learn to appreciate baby shoes not only as a fashion accessory but as an important tool in aiding Andi’s development. Since she started becoming more mobile, I realized that if she’s going to try to learn how to move and walk on her own, she’s going to need shoes… and not just any shoes. She needs shoes with good support.
Babies’ feet are made of soft cartilage and are quite fragile, so it’s so important to make sure that the shoes that we make them wear fit them well. I notice that when Andi wears good shoes that fit her perfectly, she seems happier, more comfortable, and more confident… like she really can conquer the world!
Andi recently got a pair of shoes from Fisher-Price and my first thought was: “What? Fisher-Price, as in the toy brand??” Everyone probably knows that Fisher-Price is one of the leading names in educational toys for babies and children, but I had no idea that they also carry shoes! So what are their shoes like? Well, it seems like the same care and thought that they put into the creation of their toys have also been applied to their footwear line. As their toys are made with the child’s development in mind, their shoes are also painstakingly made for the comfort, safety, and advancement of each child.
I want to list down some of the things I love about Andi’s new pair of Fisher-Price shoes, as well as the things you need to look for when picking shoes for your child.
Looks nice with anything (or almost anything)
Do you really have to get shoes in every color and in every style? Save money and closet space by getting something that works well with a lot of your baby’s clothes! Andi’s new Fisher-Price shoes comes in a neutral and unisex shade and style so it matches a lot of her outfits, whatever the color or design, whether it’s casual or a little more dressy.
If ever I have a baby boy one day, I could pass these shoes on to him too… (No, we are NOT planning on Baby #2 yet! So let’s move on to Point #2!)
Easy to put on
As a mom, I already have too much on my plate and I don’t want to have to deal with complicated ties, buckles, and thingamajigs and spend an extra ten minutes just putting shoes on my baby’s feet. I love that Andi’s shoes from Fisher-Price are a breeze to put on. I just opened and closed the velcro straps and I was done in no time! Minimal effort needed!
Of course, baby’s comfort should be of prime importance when looking for shoes. When we adults wear ill-fitting and intolerable shoes, we can’t wait to take them off. Can you imagine what your baby feels when he or she wears shoes that are too cramped, too loose, or worse, too painful? They can’t talk and communicate properly so they can’t tell you just how annoying it might be for them! No wonder Andi sometimes kicks and flails around until her shoes come off! Fisher-Price shoes are guaranteed to be comfortable because they are made with a soft memory foam insole, making it more enjoyable for babies to wear them and walk around in them. Fisher-Price shoes are also very light, so they don’t weigh her down when she wears them. This gives her more freedom to move around.
If you’re going to invest on baby’s shoes, make sure you get a pair that will last for a long time and can keep up with his or her active lifestyle. Your baby will be walking, running, and playing, so you’ll need shoes that are made of high-quality materials and won’t break when overused. Fisher-Price shoes have a real-stitched outsole, so you know that these shoes are built to last.
Sure, slipping, tripping, and tumbling are all part of a baby’s life. But if we can prevent these from happening, why not take some precautionary measures, right? Fisher-Price shoes provide flexible heel support and are made with sturdy rubber soles instead of slippery material so they have good gripping power and hence, there will be lesser chances of injuries. We can’t take chances on our babies’ safety! Right now, Andi can still get away with wearing shoes that don’t offer as much support as they’re mostly just for her OOTDs and she’s really just sitting or on her carrier or stroller most of the time. But as soon as she starts walking, we’re definitely switching to shoes that actually have a more solid base and have anti-slip properties.
Because baby’s feet grow so fast (it’s so crazy just how fast they grow!!!), it’s so not practical to spend thousands of pesos on a pair of baby’s shoes. Good thing that there are affordable options for footwear, such as Fisher-Price shoes. Quality and safety don’t always have to be expensive!
Here are some photos of Andi with her new Fisher-Price shoes! Look at how happy she is!

I’m really glad that I came to know about Fisher Price shoes! Andi can only walk while supported at the moment, and I have yet to witness her actual first baby steps. I’m sure that will be a really exciting time for both her and myself! And when that happens, I know where to get the right shoes. I can rely on Fisher-Price for footwear that will help her walk and move around on her own confidently, comfortably, safely, and therefore, HAPPILY!
Fisher Price shoes are available in the Children’s Shoes section of the SM Department store. For more information, follow @FisherPrice, @richwellclubph, and @kidscompanyph. Shop online at Kids Company: bit.ly/FPKidsCompany.

This is a great post! Not all mommies out there know that babies need comfortable shoes, too!
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