I will never forget the day that my daughter Andi first said “I love you” to me. In fact, if you ask me what my most unforgettable moment in my motherhood journey is, I’ll tell you that hearing her say those magic words would be one of my favorites.
When she still didn’t know how to say those three words, I would often wonder what it would feel like when she finally does. I thought to myself: “I bet I’m going to cry!”
I always told her that I love her, and kept repeating myself like a broken record, hoping that maybe she would catch on and mimic me eventually. I never pressured her into saying it back, but telling her “I love you” over and over again was my way of gently nudging her and familiarizing her with it.
And then, one day, she said it!
Well… almost. She said “avee” (ah-vee) and “awee” (ah-wee). That was her own version of “I love you.” The pronunciation wasn’t quite there yet, but the context was clear. Whenever I told her that I love her, this was how she would respond every single time. We’re getting there!
Months passed until I celebrated my 36th birthday. Mike, Andi, and I went out and ate at a Spanish restaurant for my birthday dinner. A group of live musicians were going around and serenading guests, so Andi and I started dancing to the music while I was carrying her. We were just swaying, smiling, and laughing, when, out of nowhere, Andi hugged me and blurted out: “I love you!”
I was stunned! The music was pretty loud so I wasn’t sure if I was just hearing things. But she said it again… and again… and again! It was clear as day. And she picked the most perfect time to say it — on my birthday. It was as if she knew it was a special day for me and saying “I love you” was her gift for me. It was definitely the best gift ever and it really did turn out to be a red-letter day!
I waited for 2 years before I could hear those wonderful words, and it was definitely worth the wait! I didn’t cry (maybe because of the setting and because I was just so taken aback and overjoyed at the same time) but I could really feel my heart soaring in that moment. I’m so glad we captured part of it on camera!
That was just the beginning, because since then, she would generously shower us with affection and a hundred ‘I love you’s’ every single day, at random times of the day. And we know that she’s not merely reciting the words. We know that she genuinely says it from her sweet and tiny heart.
Here’s a video from the day that she finally said it!
Has your child said ‘I love you’ yet? If not, I’m sure you are excited to hear those words! Here are some of the things I did to encourage Andi to say “I love you.” Maybe you can try them with your child too!
Say it often
The more they hear it, the easier it will be for them to remember it!
Make them feel like you mean it
Don’t just say the words. Really mean them! And make sure that they really feel your love. Say it while hugging or kissing them, or while doing something nice for them, like feeding them, bathing them, or brushing their hair. You want them to associate the words with feelings of warmth and care so that when they finally learn the words, they won’t only learn how to say them, but also what saying those words actually mean.
Teach them songs with the words “I love you.”
I have a feeling the nursery rhyme ‘Skidamarink’ really stuck to Andi and it helped her remember the words “I love you” a lot easier! A catchy song might do the trick.
Read him/her books with the words “I love you.”
Story time is a great way to bond with your kids, and even if they can’t read, talk, or understand what you are saying yet, reading them stories (or poems) with the words “I love you” will help them recall the words easier. Plus, reading to them IS an act of love in itself, so in a way, you’re teaching by example!
Give them an ‘I Love You’ massage
Massages have so many great health benefits for babies, including relieving them of colic, helping them sleep better, and calming them, among many others. One of my favorite baby massages (that I still do to Andi even if she’s already a toddler) is the ‘I Love You’ massage. There are a lot of resources and Youtube videos on this and it’s very simple to do!
Never pressure or rush them into saying ‘I Love You!’
Lastly, NO PRESSURE please! If your baby is taking longer than expected to verbalize it, don’t stress about it. Guide them but let them learn at their own pace. When you least expect it, your child will just surprise you one day by saying “I love you” and it will be the most amazing feeling ever!
Watch her sing ‘Skidamarink’ by clicking on the PLAY button below!