I just killed the Leap Year Lola.
Wait, wait! Relax, I didn’t kill anyone. I was just referring to my old Blogspot blog. Blogging there was great. It was easy. However, I really wanted to take the act and art of blogging a notch higher by having my own domain name, a cleaner and more professional-looking layout, and more control over the overall content of my site. I wanted a bit of a challenge. I wanted to graduate from the “elementary,” even-your-five-year-old-kid-can-do-it blogging and advance to something more progressive. After all, it’s always good to learn something new, right? And so, after weeks of self-studying and getting lost in the jungle of jargons, here it is… my little nest in the ‘net! Welcome and feel right at home!

So other than the platform, look, and the blog name (which I shall explain later), what else is new in/about this blog? Well, there have been many changes in my life lately — a new job, a new age (I’ll be 31 by the end of this month), a new marital status (I am getting married in 10 months!), to name a few. As my life evolves, my priorities, topics, and thoughts do, too. But what makes this blog different from the others that I have had before is that I consider this to be more than just an online journal. It’s a LIFE PROJECT. I want to grow with it and I want it to grow with me. And unlike my previous blogs, I will keep this one not because I have to write, but because I want to write.
To be completely honest, I’m not sure if my new site will be as exciting as the previous one (if that one was even exciting at all!). For my new blog, I can’t promise you that I will have many photographs of exotic destinations or anecdotes about glamorous events while I rub elbows with the Gucci-garbed glitterati. I will be the first to tell you that I am not the most trend-setting, well-traveled, or epicurean chick in the blogosphere. And though I can be a bit of a grammar police at times, I’m not even the most erudite writer in the world. My blog may not be sparkly and shiny, and reading my posts probably won’t make you go, “Damn! I want her life!”… BUT my posts will be honest, well-thought-out, and inspired. I will do my best to write entries that will entertain, educate, empathize, energize, and encourage, even months or years after they have been written. If you love simple joys as much as I do, and you believe that even ordinary things can be interesting and exciting, then you have come to the right place!
Why “Scenes From Nadine”?
To answer that question, I need to list down the definitions of the word “SCENE.”
(1) Part of a play, film, or novel
Action and adventure, a dash of drama, tales of romance, lots of comedy with bloopers as a bonus, horror (I turn into a monster when I’m hungry, and you can count on my growling tummy for eerie sound effects), plus an awesome cast of characters — my life really is like a play/film/novel, and there’s always a story to tell.
(2) An incident or situation in real life
In this blog, I’m going to get naked. No, pervert, not that kind of naked! I mean “naked” as in REAL. I’m going to share with you tidbits of my daily life. You know what they say: “Sharing is caring.” Aww. *Virtual hug!*
(3) The place where an action or event occurs
I work as an events host, which makes me a CEO or a “Celebrations & Events Officer” (Not really a legit job title. I just made that up ‘coz it sounds fancy). For me, though, celebrations are not always about big parties and events. I believe that any day and every day can be fun and exciting. Hence, I keep this blog so I can remember important moments and celebrate the little things just as much as the big ones. Simple can be special too, you know!
(4) Interest or chosen occupation
I’m a woman with way too many interests. I believe the term is “multi-passionate” (a nicer way of saying “indecisive”). This blog is where I celebrate and revel in being a “Renaissance Soul.” This is a legit term this time and I didn’t just make that up. Go Google it.
(5) Any view or picture
I’m always armed with some sort of camera and I love taking pictures of everything. It must be an Asian thing.
I’m glad you are here! Enjoy!

The new blog does sound quiet interesting. I hope it is full of memorable stories. And I wish you all the very best on this blogging journey
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