Transforming brows since 1976, Benefit Cosmetics sure knows brows! A few weeks ago, they threw a magical private party to unveil their newest Benefit Brow collection.
My sister Alexa and I were lucky enough to be invited to this sort-of secret party which was held at Revel at the Palace. We’re both big on Benefit (we just love their stuff!) so we braved the traffic to have ourselves a little afternoon of magic — wearing Benefit make-up, of course!

Like all of Benefit’s events, this particular one was pink, pretty, fun, and highly Instagrammable! (Apparently, that’s an adjective now). The only catch is this: at the time of the event until before today, we were not allowed to post photos of the Benefit Brow collection on our social media accounts just yet! Aughhh! Do you know how hard that was for me, and probably for every girl who was gushing about these brow goodies in that room?! That was a mighty test of forbearance for all of us! It’s a good thing that the venue was brimming with other cute details that we were free to post photos of online.

Even their drinks menu are pink and magic-themed! They served Pink Potion (Cosmo), Wicked Wanda (Mule), Lucky Lolita (Margarita), and Under My Spell (Mojito).

For a totally mystical experience, there was even a fortune teller at the event!
I’m not actually sure if this fortune teller was the real thing (if she was, she looked more like a punk rock singer than a fortune teller). The first thing she said to me when I sat down was “What are your questions?” Oh, I’m supposed to ask questions? I thought she was just meant to take one good look at me and say something like “you’re going to have five babies.” Instead, she made me choose from the four available cards and just answered my questions.

Whether or not she was a true blue fortune teller, it was still a fun activity!
A roving magician also approached the guests and wowed them with his sleight of hand. He asked Alexa to pick a card, draw on it, put it back together with the other cards, then shuffle them. Without looking, the magician was able to find that one card in a sea of jumbled cards! How do they do that?! That’s wild!

It was nice seeing old friends and meeting new people too.

We ladies were asked if we wanted a photo with the Magic Mikes, but we actually turned the offer down and pushed them out of the way so we could have this pretty background to ourselves! I had a little photo shoot with my friend and former workmate, make-up artist Nikki Duque, who introduced me to beauty vlogger Czari Domingo and Maxine Marcelino.

The event opened in a fierce fashion: dancers gyrated onstage with their pink sequined costumes and feathery headdresses, getting everyone excited for the big reveal.
The event was hosted by the bubbly Bianca Valerio who was dressed like a magician, but a very stylish one.

The biggest surprise of the day was when Jared Bailey, Global Brow Expert of Benefit Cosmetics, popped out from a big magician’s hat! That hat has been sitting there since the start of the event! Has he been hiding inside the whole time?!

After his crazy grand entrance, he then surprised us even more by unfurling the life-size versions of the latest Benefit Brow collection products.
Now there is no need for magic tricks because Benefit has come out with a range of brow products to solve all kinds of brow dilemmas.
There’s the:
- Gimme Brow Volumizing Eyebrow Gel
- Goof Proof Eyebrow Pencil
- ka-BROW! Eyebrow Cream Gel-color
- BROW-vo! Conditioning Eyebrow Primer
- Precisely, My Brow Eyebrow Pencil
- Brow Zings Eyebrow Shaping Kit
- High Brow Eyebrow Highlighter
- High Brow Glow Brow Highlighter
- 3D BROWtones Eyebrow Enhancer
- Ready, Set, Brow Clear Brow Gel

Benefit makes it easy to have brows that wow! All the products are handy, easy to use, waterproof, and long-wearing. They even come in six different shades to help you achieve beautiful and natural-looking arches.

Excited to have bewitching brows? The magical Benefit Brow Collection will be available in stores this July!

For more information on the Brow Collection, visit Benefit Cosmetics’ Official Website.

That seemed like a wonderful event! Wow!
♥: Jasmin N
Little Things With Jassy
Jasmin N recently posted…HTL KUNGSGATAN | STOCKHOLM
Now that thicker eyebrows are in, those products will be all the rage.
OMG I neeeeeeed this!
I love Benefits “They’re Real” collection but haven’t tried their brow products yet… Maybe that’s what i’ll do today! xo
Amy | Toothbrush Travels recently posted…Arundel Castle
Wow, this event looked amazing, you are so lucky to have an opportunity like that! I love benefit products, they are amazing<3
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