New Year’s Resolutions: practical or pointless?
I wrote down all the things that I hope to achieve for 2022, but I’ve stopped calling them ‘resolutions.’ Somehow, I just find the word too rigid. Sure, I’d like to crush my goals for this year, but I also want to leave a little room for flexibility and grace so I don’t put unwanted pressure on myself.
Instead of adhering to a long list of resolutions that frankly, I may not be able to follow, I thought I’d keep things simple by just having a ‘Word Of The Year’ (WOTY). This one word will be my true north as I navigate through the rest of the year. Everything that I do or hope to do this 2022 will be anchored on this one word.
This year, I’ve chosen the word PROSPER.
In the literal sense, to prosper means ‘to succeed in material terms; be financially successful.’ But prosperity is so much more than just material wealth. It’s also all about growing, flourishing, and being blessed in various areas in one’s life.
This word is also special because it’s one of God’s promises that was mentioned in a Bible verse that is very close to my heart: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
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There is so much uncertainty in this world, especially now. When things are unclear and I’m feeling hopeless, I remember this verse and somehow, I find some kind of reassurance that things will work out because God has great plans for me.
This 2022, I would like to attract and achieve prosperity in my life – as an individual, a wife, a mother, and a creative.
“The LORD will grant you abundant prosperity—in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your ground—in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you.” – Deuteronomy 28:11
Our families and friends have been asking us when we’re planning on giving Andi a baby brother or sister. The answer is… well, I don’t have the answer! All I know is that Mike and I are at that point where we can say that we are ready to grow our family! Yes, we are ready for another round of sleepless nights! Even Andi is already exhibiting signs of being a good big sister whenever she plays with her younger cousins or friends. She just turned 4 years old, so the age gap would be ideal.
A new baby will definitely add so much joy and light to our already happy little family. HOWEVER… we’re not getting any younger, and I am aware that the chances of conceiving diminish as I age. But I also know that if it is God’s will to bless us with another child, nothing is impossible. Anyway, Mike and I have agreed that we will be hopeful but we will just take it easy and we won’t pressure ourselves. If it’s meant to happen, it will happen, just like when Andi was conceived. (We’re hoping it’s a boy this time, but we’d be happy with either a little Mike or a little Nadine!)
Prosper: “to flourish physically; grow strong and healthy” –
In line with our desire to have a baby, I’m declaring that 2022 will be the year of prospering in our health. I’m not just talking about shedding the holiday fats and fitting in my old clothes again. This year, I really want to prioritize my physical health. I want to find the time and energy to squeeze in a quick workout, even if it’s just as simple as walking or dancing for 20 minutes. I also want to make better and healthier food choices. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not giving up cake and carbs completely. What is life without cake and carbs?! But I WILL observe moderation, unlike last year when I just let myself go, which explains the stubborn mommy pouch.
Aside from eating better, I’m also trying to sleep better. I used to function with only 3 or 4 hours of sleep, but I never felt rested and refreshed because I wasn’t giving my body enough time to repair itself. Now, I try to sleep for at least 7 hours and as much as possible, I’m already in bed by 11:00 or 11:30 PM.
So what changed this year? Aside from wanting to look good in a two-piece swimsuit (because I plan to wear two-piece swimsuits ’til I’m 80), I have a bigger reason for choosing to be healthier: FAMILY. I want to live long enough to spend more time with Mike and Andi, make more memories with them, and be present for major milestones like Andi’s wedding… 25 years from now! Besides, if Mike and I are going to try for another baby, I need to prep my vessel so that it’s at its most optimal condition to bear an offspring!
“As any fan of Star Trek knows, “live long and prosper” is good advice. The verb ‘prosper’ means to do well, succeed, or thrive.” –
It’s no secret that I’ve lodged my application for an Australia visa 2 years ago. I don’t really know if we’ll finally move anytime soon or if we’ll have to wait a bit more and and if we’ll still find ourselves here in the Philippines. It’s hard to say and even harder to make plans because life is very unpredictable these days! (Thanks a lot, Covid!) But my prayer is that wherever life takes us this year, wherever ‘home’ will be, we will prosper where we are planted.
And since it’s free to dream anyway, we are also crossing our fingers that we will be prosperous enough to finally have our own home! I don’t know how or when exactly, but I’m already claiming it! If you’re going to dream, you might as well dream big. 😉
Prosperity: ‘to be successful, esp. financially’ – Cambridge Dictionary
May 2022 be the year that I grow my money! My goal this year, which I hope to achieve, is to be able to save more, (hopefully) have more investments, and be more mindful about my spending.
“Only when you cultivate your talents and gifts you prosper” ― Sunday Adelaja
Prosper: ‘to succeed in an enterprise or activity’ – Merriam Webster
I’ve always equated my own success with money, status, and recognition. I considered my endeavors as achievements if I earned from them or if I received some form of distinction because of them. But this year, I want to see success differently. I want to define success as just doing what makes me happy and fulfilled, as making a difference in other people’s lives, and as being able to effectively carry out the roles that I am called to perform. I hope that I will prosper in my undertakings.
This year, I want to do more of the things I love without feeling the need and pressure to monetize them. I just want to pour my creative energies into my passions just because they bring me joy. It would be nice to grow my blog and Youtube channel without stressing about the number of views or subscribers, and write blog posts and make videos only because they’re fun.
Another one of my goals is to read more books this year. One book a month would be more realistic, but if I can go to two books a month, that’s even better!
I might even try to learn new songs and get back into singing (just as a hobby) because I see that Andi loves singing so much and I want to hone that talent. It would be fun if that’s something that we can do together while I also encourage her to develop her gift in singing!
Whereas in the past, I devoted so much of my time in developing myself as an event host and working on hosting events, I feel that my hosting career will be taking a backseat this year. I still love hosting and if presented with great opportunities (yes, not just GOOD but GREAT opportunities), I might take them. However, it’s not really my priority at the moment simply because I feel like it’s not really my calling at this time. I really believe that this year (or this season of my life) is about being more of a wife and mom and less of a career woman. More of that in another blog post (maybe!).
What about you? Have you thought about your Word Of The Year? If you haven’t yet, it’s okay! To help you, here are some tips on how you can find your own WOTY.
- Look back on the past year. List down all the things that you loved about it, what you wish you could have done more of, and what you would change if you could
- Write down how you want to FEEL in the new year. Do you want to feel more refreshed and relaxed? Stronger and bolder? Happier and more content?
- Jot down all your goals for 2022. What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to have more (or less) of?
- Read each goal that you wrote, then for each one, write the words that come to mind. The words that you initially think of do not necessarily have to be your final word of the year. But it helps to identify them because they could lead to finding THAT ONE WORD.
- Look for patterns and common themes in the lists you made and the words you picked out. How do the words make you feel? Do they inspire you and remind you to make your goals happen?
- Choose your one word. It’s the one that truly represents you and your aspirations for this year. It’s the word that will get you back on track whenever you feel like you’re losing the motivation and confidence to make your goals happen.
Remember, your word doesn’t have to sound fancy or impressive. It can be the simplest word, as long as it sounds right FOR YOU.
Happy New Year! 🙂