‘Tis the season to be fatty – because it’s the season for Christmas lunches and dinners. Every December, my waist line seems to get about 2 to 3 inches bigger because of all the get togethers over food with family and friends. But that’s okay because what better way to celebrate the holidays than with …
The jobsDB Mobile App 2.0
After I graduated in 2006, I immediately started to look for a job. Back then, walk-in job applications were common. In my business attire matched with slippers, I would walk under the sweltering sun, brown envelopes containing my resumes in tow and a pair of high heeled shoes in my bag, as I hopped from …
Why I Just Want A Simple Wedding
Weddings – I have been hosting and attending a lot of these lately and most of the time, I am in awe of the bride’s gorgeous and obviously expensive wedding dress, the opulent ornamentations, the fancy souvenirs, and other things that helped create these fairy tale weddings. Whenever I attend these kinds of weddings, I …
Chinese Lemon Chicken
They say that “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I say, “when life gives you lemons, make lemon chicken!” I order this dish a lot whenever I eat at Chinese restaurants. The night I made this, my mom and sister were eating at a Chinese restaurant called P.F. Changs, and since I couldn’t be …
Homemaking is Hip!
I don’t know how some women can juggle a full-time job and housewife duties at the same time. Do they possess a secret power I’m not aware of? Do they have bionic hands hidden underneath their shoulder padded suits and aprons? How in the world do they spend ten hours a day making a living …
Plants vs. Zombies Halloween Costume
I may be 29 years old but I don’t think I will ever be too old for Halloween. Maybe it’s because I am into performing, I enjoy playing dress up, and I love kids and being “kid-like,” but whatever the reason is, Halloween is an event I always look forward to every year. In fact, …
Kate Spade New York Introduces First Iconic Bag: The 2 Park Avenue Beau Bag
Kate Spade New York’s first signature handbag is finally in the Philippines! The 2 Park Avenue Beau Bag! A beau (pronounced as “bow”) is a French term for a lady’s sweetheart or boyfriend. Now, a Beau also refers to Kate Spade New York’s dashing new signature handbag, adorned with a well-placed bow. A “beau” and a …
Be Whole Even When Your Heart Is Broken
This is a letter I wrote for someone I care about:I’m going to tell you something. It’s something that you already know, but are still having trouble accepting, even though you say you have. It’s something that you are still having difficulty believing, because as real as it is, to you, it still feels like …
They say that when a couple starts to look like each other, they are meant to be together. I don’t know if there is some truth to this, but for some weird reason, people always say that my boyfriend and I are starting to really resemble each other. Not only that, but even people who …
Yang Chow Brown Rice in Tomato Cups
Sometimes, I cook way too much rice and I don’t have the heart to throw the unconsumed rice away because I am always reminded of the popular Filipino guilt-trip warning: “Ang dami daming nagugutom sa mundo.” (“There are so many people in the world who are starving”). It’s not like they’ll suddenly and magically get …