If you have a baby in the house, what’s the one thing your home is never without? Yep, what else? Diapers! It’s always a good idea to stock up on diapers because our little ones use them heavily every single day. But what if I tell you that when you buy diapers for your baby, you can hit two birds with one stone and help out other babies as well? That sounds nice, doesn’t it?
For the whole month of September 2018, Baby Company lets you enjoy great deals on disposable diapers AND pay it forward at the same time, thanks to their Diaper Deals Drive. Here’s the lowdown on this wonderful campaign:
- When you purchase a minimum of PHP 1500 worth of disposable diapers, a donation of PHP 100 worth of diapers in your name will be given to a baby in need.
- For a PHP 1,500 minimum single receipt spend on disposable diapers, you get a PHP 100 Sodexo gift certificate back, which you can use to buy MORE DIAPERS! Simply present your Mom Card.
- You get to save up on diaper costs by taking advantage of discounts and special bundles only for this month!
Wait a minute… you buy diapers at discounted items AND you get to donate to charity AND you get rewarded for it with a gift certificate?! That’s pretty great!
Baby Company’s Diaper Deals Drive is really a campaign that keeps on giving! I have always been impressed with Baby Company. Not only do they have a very comprehensive selection of quality products for moms and babies, but their staff is also very helpful and accommodating. Every time I visit a Baby Company branch (especially MegaMall and Rockwell), they would really go out of their way to assist me, from getting me a chair so I can breastfeed Andi to thoroughly explaining a product to me when I have questions about it. I LOVE Baby Company so much, but now that they are running the Diaper Deals Campaign, I just love them even more. It just goes to show that Baby Company truly cares for babies – ALL BABIES, not just babies of parents can afford to shop at their boutiques, but even less fortunate babies.

Mike, Andi, and I visited the Power Plant Mall branch of Baby Company. Here are the offers from the participating diaper brands in this particular branch:

Our goal was to stick to a budget of PHP 1,500 (or a little over PHP 1,500) worth of diapers, which I thought was going to be easy, but it was actually a tough task! For one, when Baby Company said “stock up on diapers,” I wanted to REALLY stock up… as in hoard and get diapers in Andi’s size, as well as diapers one and two sizes bigger for future use. I also wanted to get more than one of each kind and each brand. But in the end, I stuck to just getting medium diapers (Andi’s current size) since she will surely go through those quickly anyway. We also ended up getting taped diapers instead of the pants type because tape diapers are best for both daytime and night time use, and Mike and I find it easier to put them on and take them off Andi than the pants type.

Here’s what I got:
- 1 pack of medium Huggies Ultra (40 pcs) = PHP 465.75
- 1 pack of medium Mamy Poko tape (26 pcs) = PHP 354.75
- 2 packs of medium Goo.n tape (38 pcs) = PHP 420 x 2 = PHP 840
- I added a waterproof mattress protector from Bloom too! It’s not on sale, but we need one so we got it.

If you visit other branches, you might find that Super Twins and Lampein are also included in the Diaper Deals Drive. However, I was not able to see them in the Power Plant branch. That’s okay, though, because I was quite happy with my loot! It would have been nice to see some Pampers in there though because that’s the brand that Andi uses, but it’s not a big deal, really. All the other diaper brands that I got are also of superior quality and are always raved about. Andi has tried all of these before and she didn’t develop any rashes from them, and they kept her clean and dry.
Aside from diapers, when you bring your Mom Card, you can also score good deals on brands like Chicco, Safety 1st, and Happy Dino, which are offer up to 30%, 20%, and 50% on selected items, respectively.
I am grateful that my family and I got to be a part of this heartwarming campaign. I have always had a soft spot for babies, and especially now that I have my own, I often think about all those other babies who may not be as lucky as Andi. I’m not extremely well-off but at least I get to provide her with diapers which – let’s face it – are not always cheap. But what about other babies from low-income families? For them, diapers are a luxury. If they get PHP 100 worth of diapers, that will surely go a long way. Wouldn’t you want to be a part of that too? Well, you can! All you have to do is visit a Baby Company boutique near you and purchase PHP 1,500 worth of diapers. You’re not just going to shop… you’re going to shop for a cause!

My family and I love Baby Company! 🙂

Get updated on Baby Company’s exciting promos by following them on their social media accounts:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/babycompanyph/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babycompanyph/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BabyCompanyPH