I feel really lucky to be pregnant at a time when information on parenting and support for first-time moms (and dads) are so accessible! Since this is my first pregnancy, I have to admit that despite all my research, I am still so clueless about a lot of things, such as breastfeeding and how to take care of a fragile little baby (eek, scary!). Thankfully, I was invited by The Parenting Emporiumto attend a private class about these topics.
What is The Parenting Emporium?
The Parenting Emporium (TPE), founded by Beng Feliciano and Maricel Cua, is a venue of learning and support that fosters easier and better parenting by providing parents and soon-to-be parents with professional consultations, workshops, and seminars that address a wide range of topics including pregnancy, caring for newborns and toddlers, post-partum care, nutrition, education, and more.
As a retail store, TPE also carries premium baby and childcare brands that the owners themselves swear by. In this one-stop shop for baby and child needs, you can find great items from brands like Beginnings, Baby K’Tan, La-Z-Boy, Medela, Mustela, and many others.
TPE also functions as a social enterprise. They believe in paying it forward and giving back to the community. Hence, 3% of all purchases goes to their advocacies and beneficiaries.
Parenthood Shared
TPE believes that “no mother, father, or caregiver from any walk of life should stand alone. Each person can benefit from the support and wealth of knowledge offered by others, especially — but not limited to — those who are considered experts in their respective fields.”
More than just being a store and a social enterprise, TPE is a community, and a positive community at that. Here, moms and dads are able to connect with like-minded people and receive the tools and assistance that they need to thrive as parents.
Breastfeeding 101
One of the main topics of our private class was breastfeeding, which was taught by Abbie Yabot, a Lactation Counselor and Parenting Educator. Before being pregnant, my knowledge about breastfeeding was limited. All I knew was that it hurts… a lot! I also thought it was as simple as offering your boob to the baby, and he or she will get the goods. But as I delved more into the subject, I realized that it’s not as simple as I thought it was. I learned that yes, there are techniques to be able to breastfeed successfully!
Mike and I had previously attended another breastfeeding class before, which was quite informative. Still, it was a good decision to attend another breastfeeding lecture. What we liked about the class at TPE is Abbie’s warm approach. Although she is a breastfeeding advocate (she breastfed one of her kids until she turned 6! Whoa!), she delivered her lecture in a very pleasant way. She highly encouraged breastfeeding, presented its many benefits to us, and shared what worked for her as a breastfeeding mom, but at the same time, she was never pushy and judgmental about those who choose not to breastfeed.

In Abbie’s class, we learned about basic breastfeeding positions, signs of a good and poor latch, how to tell if baby is getting enough milk, and more. Oh, and I also liked how she emphasized on the dad’s role in breastfeeding, which is basically giving moral support. Breastfeeding is serious business, and Abbie told the dads in the room “It’s the little things like giving her a massage when her back is aching, or offering her a glass of water. Or when she feels so tired and sore, just tell her, ‘Don’t worry, you’re still pretty.’” That’ll work. Haha!
Although the class was more for me than for Mike (though I really wish he could breastfeed so we can take turns!), it was really good that he attended it with me. At least now he knows what a breastfeeding mom goes through, and if ever I get hormonal when it’s my turn to breastfeed, he’ll be more understanding about it!
At the end of the lesson, Abbie gave a disclaimer: knowing all the tips and tricks of proper breastfeeding doesn’t guarantee 100% success. Things can go wrong, but it was comforting to know that there are people like her – highly-trained lactation consultants – that can visit moms in their homes and offer assistance in breastfeeding.
Newborn Care
For the second part of the private class, we learned about burping, umbilical cord care, bathing baby, dressing and swaddling baby, cloth diapering, baby’s sleep, and sunbathing baby.

This part of the lecture was so much fun! It was more interesting because aside from just using slides, Abbie actually did live demonstrations of each sub-topic so we could fully visualize them.
Mike even got to swaddle a baby (well, a baby doll, at least). Not bad for his first time! And according to TPE’s Instagram post, us moms “couldn’t have felt more loved and supported by the active presence of their husbands as they learned all the skills!” I agree!

This talk was very beneficial for us, and we only wish that more time was devoted to this session. There was just so much to learn and so little time!
Gifts for the Parents-To-Be
At the end of the class, we received some very lovely gifts from TPE’s partner brands: Moby Baby PH, Iflin Baby PH, Mellow Kids PH, Finn + Emma, and Coco Natura. I am so excited to use these on and for our baby!

For our snacks, we received these outrageously delicious chocolate chip cookies made with Coco Natura Coco Sugar. We ate them in one sitting! I don’t feel so bad, though, because it has a low Glycemic Index (GI) of 35, which means it’s helpful with weight management and good for diabetics!
Thank you, TPE!
It was truly a day well spent at TPE! I love learning about pregnancy and baby care, and TPE was really an ideal place to learn. It was quiet, comfortable, and welcoming. I finally got to meet Maricel, who was very friendly and animated. She was also nice enough to give us a quick tour of the store while explaining the different items in the shop to us. When she talked about the products, her passion and enthusiasm were really infectious. Seeing how much she loves the products kind of makes you go, “Take my money!”
Seriously though, this is like a baby wonderland. Toys, cloth diapers, baby carriers, baby toiletries, essential oils… you name it, they have it! This is the perfect place to go to if you are planning a baby shower and creating a registry, if you’re about to give birth and need to make some last-minute purchases for the baby, or if you’re a mom who just needs some pampering products for yourself!
Thank you, Beng and Maricel of TPE, for inviting us to this class and for helping us become more prepared as parents-to-be!

The Parenting Emporium
Address: No. 29, 1st Street, New Manila, QC
Phone: 7253723 / 7386272 / 0917-5614366
E-mail: theparentingemporium@gmail.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/theparentingemporium/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/theparentingemporium

These classes would have been so great when my son was a newborn and when I was trying to figure out breastfeeding!
This looks like such an incredible day!
Many of my friends are having children now and I wish there were more services like this in Australia! It can be so overwhelming on how to do all the right things from bathing, feeding and sleeping.
I have no doubt you’re going to be great parents, Congratulations! 🙂
Breastfeeding till the child was 6 – incredible!
Very informative post on this topic. Even a few years back this was not discussed much. I am glad they have opened up classes and are encouraging new moms to go in for long breast feeding period. Great pic.
Wow! Didn’t know that classes like these would exist. I thought I would just see those in movies. It’s very informational to know and prepare for what’s arriving. It may be quite far from my first child but I guessing that I would enroll myself too in classes like these cause I’m kinda scared to hold a newborn baby.
Maria recently posted…Creative Prompts for your Practice #1
Would you know mommy how much is a class like that? I’ve been eyeing the page of TPG but didn’t really had much time to visit because we’re from Pampanga. This is wishful thinking and crossing fingers as well, that they make classes like this in the provinces. Hoping , hoping. Btw, I am an exclusive breastfeeding mom despite working. I learned all the bfeeding hoolabaloos by experience really . And with some research too.
theresa recently posted…Regina Victoria Y. De Ocampo of Yamaha supports Travelooza
oh this topic is quite hot right now after Vice Ganda’s negative remarks about moms breastfeeding in public.. breastfeeding has many benefits and there’s really nothing to be ashamed of if moms need to breastfeed their kids in public… I do not have a family yet but sometimes it excites me to find out how rewarding it is to be a parent and have wonderful kids
Milton Coyne recently posted…Exploring Ilocos : The Cape Bojeador Lighthouse
This is a tremendously helpful opportunity! Especially for new parents to be. I’m not pregnant, yet, but I’ll definitely be signing up for classes like this to keep myself sane and informed!
Congratulations on your first pregnancy ♥ I’m sure you will be amazing parents. Sounds like this class was very helpful and you learned a lot from it. Thank you for sharing your experience!
What a great event! Love that you got all that free swag! Score!!
I don’t have a baby yet so I can’t really relate much about breastfeeding. However, I plan to exclusively breastfeed when the right time comes.
I have a funny story about it though, my mom would always tease me that I am so matakaw when it comes to her breastmilk. I drank it up until I was 3yo! Haha!
Again, congratulations on the baby girl. And you’re so right and lucky indeed. Being pregnant today and with lots of help available, surely your pregnancy has become a little easier. I love how TPE is able to help first time moms and also a community through its social enterprise efforts.
Berlin | Momi Berlin recently posted…MOMI SHOPS| Grocery made easy with Easy Grocery
I never took a parenting class. But this reminds me of the movie, What to Expect When Expecting.
Tayler Morrell recently posted…Reading Roundup | August & September 2017
I guess we are all fortunate nowadays, to have access to relevant information on a certain topic in just a few clicks. More so classes like these! Never realize that there’s such a thing, but I love it. Although I think these things should be [more] available to the general public.
Gene Rose recently posted…4 Must Try Classic Filipino Snacks Only at Villa Escudero 😋
This is an awesome idea! and they have some of the cutest gifts! LOVE!
I think it’s great that they have these classes… It’s scary to be a newbie parent and to not feel prepared. My kids are 8 and 9 yrs old now, seems like a very long time since they were infants… you just had me take a trip down memory lane, thank you!
Eloise recently posted…Simple And Effective Styling Techniques For Asian Hair Using Pomade
I really envy you on this event. Unfortunately, there are no organizations like TPE in my city, and I am not sure if there are any in entire country 🙁 Yeah, there are many retail stores but they just sell the products and do not provide any counseling or advice. So it is all up to me and searching the Net for good information.
Not a mum yet.. But a very interesting read indeed. Thanks Nadine.
This is wonderful! How great to not feel unsure!
I’ve done several parenting 101 classes while I was pregnant, but it was nowhere near as in depth as this class! And I 100% agree, now is the perfect time to be pregnant. There are so many resources out there, so no one feels lost or alone!
awesome photos super cute 🙂 this was really informative and helpful, thank you.
Our hospital offered a breastfeeding class and a birthing class. I do wish they would have also offered an infant care class. I’ve been around babies my whole life, but when it is still so nice to have a refresher and there is something so different about it being your own baby.
Wow, what an awesome resource to have available! It looked really informative. Congrats to you! I agree, it’s a ton of outlets available today compared to many years ago.
These look like great classes for both new parents and experienced parents! When my kids were little the only place that offered these were the hospitals. So glad there are more options out there now!
This is such a great place and looks like a very informative class. I loved my child birth and breastfeeding classes.
absolutely real and approved information
we as doctors advice always breastfeeding
tamer alzamly recently posted…Type 2 Diabetes – Physical Activity Improves the Variation in Your Heart Rate
This looks like an amazing place and I wish we had one near us for a refresher course as its been 10 years since our last baby and this one is coming in 3 months!
Classes like these are essential got both mom and dad when having a baby. Because honestly we dont know it all.
When I was pregnant with my son, I was trying to find a very suitable environment for me to learn things about baby-care. The Parenting Emporium looks so welcoming and very promising. Do they welcome second-time parents? or do they just prioritize new parents-to-be?
Breastfeeding is really challenging for new moms. these kinds of blog post really help the new moms. Great Work.
I love to participate in this class. I am a new born baby mom and finding everything which helpful for me. Love the way you share this.
breastfeeding is the most challenging task for a new mom, but you explained it so nicely that every mom will inspired to start breastfeed her baby
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